Scalp Micropigmentation Raleigh, NC | SMP Raleigh
Hair loss affects nearly everyone at some point in their lives. Men tend to see more hair loss sooner in life. Men may see significant hairline receding, thinning, and loss of hair by their thirties. This can make them look older than they are and affect confidence and self-esteem. For patients who do not qualify for hair transplant surgery or want to explore non-surgical options, scalp micropigmentation is a great way to create the illusion of hair without it looking unnatural. The Jindal Institute For Youthful Aging provides the best scalp micropigmentation Raleigh, NC offers.

What Is Scalp Micropigmentation?
Scalp micropigmentation, or SMP, is a procedure similar to tattooing that creates the look of a close buzz cut. Sometimes called a hair tattoo, scalp micropigmentation can treat patients at all stages of hair loss or male pattern baldness. This can help provide the illusion that hair growth is occurring, but that the patient is keeping it cut short and tight.
It is a fully non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure with few side effects. While most SMP patients are men, it can also help women experiencing female baldness and thinning disguise this hair loss around the top part of the hair or hairline. Tiny dots are placed close together similar to natural hair follicles making this method highly effective.
Nearly anyone experiencing significant hair loss or thinning is likely a candidate for scalp micropigmentation in Raleigh. The procedure can restore a natural hairline or treat a completely bald head. Patients can also undergo a hair tattoo procedure after a hair restoration treatment to further improve the cosmetic result. However, patients treating only parts of their head may want to consider future hair loss patterns and plan accordingly.
No anesthesia is necessary. Unless a patient has a major bleeding disorder, takes certain medications, prone to raised scars, or undergoes immune-suppressing treatments like chemotherapy, they are likely a good candidate. With that said, every patient has a unique situation and needs. Therefore, even some traditionally disqualifying factors may not interfere. It is best to come to the Jindal Institute For Youthful Aging for an initial consultation to determine candidacy.

Benefits & Risks
SMP treatment comes with numerous benefits for patients experiencing hair thinning or loss. Some of the possible benefits include:
- Disguise a receding hairline
- Reduce the appearance of bald spots
- Hide scarring (such as from a hair transplant)
- Cover other scarring or birthmarks
- Does not rely on future hair growth
- Looks exceptionally natural
- More youthful appearance
- Ink pigment close to natural hair color
- Treats patients at all stages of hair loss
- Long lasting results
- Minimally invasive
- No anesthesia needed
- Cosmetic grade inks used
- Safe and effective
- Little pain or discomfort
- Cost effective
- Performed by a qualified and trained micropigmentation technician
There are few risks associated with scalp micropigmentation. However, since it does go beneath the surface of the skin, there are some inherent risks. Overall, the risks are similar to that of a traditional tattoo. The risks may include:
- Infection
- Allergic reactions to the ink used
- Prolonged side effects
- Unsatisfactory or botched result
When choosing an SMP provider in Raleigh, it is important to pick an experienced and qualified technician. The Jindal Institute For Youthful Aging offers scalp micropigmentation by America’s leading micropigmentation technology from Good Look Ink with certified technicians. This limits the chances of risks or complications.

The SMP Process & Results
The first step in the scalp micropigmentation process is to map out the new hairline or the treatment areas. For hairlines, the technician will use a marking pencil to map out different shapes and work with the patient to choose the one they like the best. From there, markings may extend to other areas of the scalp to ensure all necessary areas are treated.
Next, the technician will begin the treatment. They will use a device similar to a tattoo needle but designed to mimic the shape and look of hair follicles. They will then add tiny dots of pigment across the scalp. The dots will vary in size and pigmentation because this creates a more natural result.

The entire process usually takes around two to three hours. Patients may experience a minor burning sensation or discomfort. However, most patients remain perfectly comfortable throughout the entire treatment. Additionally, patients will likely need more than one session to achieve optimal results. Following this, they may only need touch-up sessions every several years
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does A Hair Tattoo Last?
Compared to traditional tattoos which are permanent, scalp micropigmentation is not. The body will metabolize the ink which can cause the results to fade over time. Patients can usually enjoy their results for at least five years with some lasting up to ten years before needing a touch-up. After the initial sessions, future touch-ups are generally performed at a discounted rate.
Can Hair Grow After Scalp Micropigmentation?
Yes, while scalp micropigmentation is not a hair restoration procedure, it is unlikely to interfere with any natural hair growth a patient does have. Patients may choose to keep their hair shaved or allow their natural hair to supplement the results. If you have these plans ahead of time, discuss this with your technician as it can help them plan the ideal treatment.
Regardless, patients can choose to do what they want with any natural hair growth they do see. Many men do choose to keep their hair cut close and show off their scalp micropigmentation results.
Does SMP Look Fake?
No, not if performed by a qualified technician with high-end equipment. It is important to our technicians that results turn out natural looking and do not make the hair tattoo noticeable.
Do You Shave Your Head For SMP?
It depends. If treating the entire head, then, yes. Either our team will shave the necessary areas or the patient can go out and get their head shaved beforehand. However, if only treating bald spots or a specific area, then the patient does not need to shave their head. The technician will brief the patient on this before treatment.
What Is Aftercare Like?
Scalp micropigmentation is not a surgical procedure and does not require recovery. Though, patients will need to follow some aftercare instructions to promote the best possible results. The aftercare instructions may include:
- Do not get the scalp wet for at least 48 hours. Take baths or wear a shower cap to protect the treated area
- Prevent sun exposure on the scalp, particularly in the first week
- Avoid hot, steamy, or wet environments
- Do not participate in strenuous exercise
- Prevent sweating on the scalp
- Do not shave the scalp
- Avoid touching the scalp (it is okay to sleep on it or wear hats)
- Do not pick at peeling skin, this is a normal part of the healing process
- No self-tanners or products that may irritate the skin
Mild side effects are normal. Patients may experience redness, skin tightness, and skin peeling. Noticeable swelling or severe side effects are rare but do warrant a call to the technician.
How Much Is Scalp Micropigmentation In Raleigh?
The average cost of scalp micropigmentation in Raleigh is $4,500. Pricing depends on the size of the treatment area and other factors of the treatment. Patients receive a personalized price quote at their consultation. Patients can also explore financing options at that time.
The Best Scalp Micropigmentation In Raleigh, North Carolina

The Jindal Institute For Youthful Aging helps patients look and feel their best by preventing and treating signs of aging. Whether it be sagging skin, hair loss, or degrading vision, Dr. Jindal and the team at JIYA can help patients address their concerns. Scalp micropigmentation is just one treatment option patients experiencing hair loss have at JIYA. The Jindal Institute For Youthful Aging offers the best scalp micropigmentation Raleigh, NC provides.
Good Look Ink is the top provider of scalp micropigmentation procedures in the country. Their technology and technicians have performed over 100,000 micropigmentation treatments for both men and women from diverse backgrounds.
To learn more and schedule a consultation at JIYA, call us at 919-861-4494. ext. 3. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form or Price Simulator.